As the name suggests, group therapy is a form of psychotherapy conducted in a group setting where one or two group therapists meet with up to 12 clients for between 60 – 120 minutes to provide therapy. There are many different kinds of group therapy, each has its aims and is suitable for particular kinds of difficulties and clients. Some types of group therapy include; CBT depression groups, support groups, survivor groups and analytic psychotherapy groups

The descriptions of group therapy on this website focus primarily on the analytic-psychotherapy group. The main difference between this group and the others mentioned is the aims that this kind of group strives for i.e. long lasting psychological and interpersonal growth. This differs from the previously mentioned groups in that the focus is less orientated towards providing support, coping strategies, education, or techniques to manage symptoms. Instead, analytic-groups work towards resolving symptoms through uncovering what underpins them and providing an opportunity to develop and practice new ways of being with oneself and others.

These groups are carried out in a safe and confidential space where up to nine members meet regularly with a group conductor to further their development. This can mean many things but usually involves deepening your understanding of yourself and others, processing painful past experiences, fostering more creative ways of living, improving your level of maturity and deepening your relationships.