Dear prospective member, belonging to a functional therapy group can be a profound experience. Our group will aim to provide a supportive space through which the members can begin to grow and experience a sense of connection with others. Allowing one’s self to be authentically known by others can help you develop a greater sense of who you are and what it means to be a person. This in turn leads to an increased sense of belonging and self-acceptance. Courage and openness are required and I encourage you to take some risks. In order for this group to be successful, all members are asked to agree to the following terms.
Agree to attend each of the meetings, to be on time, and to remain throughout the meeting. Meetings are held weekly, last 90 min and begin and end exactly on time. If you are unavoidably late or unexpectedly unable to attend a session, please call before hand or SMS the therapist. Your message will be read to the group during the meeting and should include the reason for the absence. Planned missed sessions are usually discussed with the group before hand.
Agree to work actively on the areas that you have come to seek help for. While members should work at their own pace, you will benefit more through participation.
Agree to put feelings into words, not actions. A general rule or guideline to follow in group is to try to honestly recognise your feelings (about yourself life and other members) and put them into words.
Agree to use the relationships made in group therapeutically, not socially. Socialising between members outside of group is discouraged and always reduces the effectiveness of the group. If there is outside contact between members, it should be discussed with the group at the next session.
Agree to protect the names and identities of your fellow group members. You may want to discuss your experience with people close to you, but it is important not to use other members’ names and not to provide any specific information.
Agree to be responsible for your account. Since this is a closed group, members purchase a seat which cannot be taken up by someone else in their absence. Members are charged for all group sessions including those that they miss. Note: Medical insurances will not cover missed sessions.
Agree to terminate appropriately. This is an ongoing long-term group and the minimum commitment required to join is for six months. I would suggest committing to the group (through even tough times) until you achieve what you set out to. I will help you decide what is realistic in this regard. However, if you become determined to end sooner, I ask that you follow a graduation process. It will be helpful to all if you announce your decision well in advance and allow the group as much time as possible to say goodbye, and to work through this important aspect of any meaningful relationship.
I hope the group will meet your expectations and help you to achieve your goals.