About me
Individual Therapy
What is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?
What Happens in Therapy Sessions?
The Therapy Agreement
How Long Does Therapy Take?
How Often Should I Attend?
Does Therapy Work?
What Is Therapy Good For?
How Much Does Therapy Cost?
Group Therapy
What is Group Therapy?
Why Group Therapy?
Who Can Benefit from Group Therapy?
How Does Group Therapy Work?
The Group Agreement
What Happens During Group Meetings?
How Long Does Group Therapy Take?
How Much is it?
Play Therapy
What is Play Therapy?
How can Play Therapy Help?
What is the Process?
What Happens in Play Therapy?
How Long Does it Take?
Is the Relationship Important?
What Can I do to Help?
Couples Therapy
What is Couples Therapy?
Who Benefits from Therapy?
Why go to Couples Therapy?
How Does Couples Therapy Work?
My Partner Won’t Go!
Frequent Questions
Who Needs Therapy?
Surely it’s just genetic?
What’s in a diagnosis?
Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist
What is depression?
What is anxiety?
Contact me
About me
Individual Therapy
What is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?
What Happens in Therapy Sessions?
The Therapy Agreement
How Long Does Therapy Take?
How Often Should I Attend?
Does Therapy Work?
What Is Therapy Good For?
How Much Does Therapy Cost?
Group Therapy
What is Group Therapy?
Why Group Therapy?
Who Can Benefit from Group Therapy?
How Does Group Therapy Work?
The Group Agreement
What Happens During Group Meetings?
How Long Does Group Therapy Take?
How Much is it?
Play Therapy
What is Play Therapy?
How can Play Therapy Help?
What is the Process?
What Happens in Play Therapy?
How Long Does it Take?
Is the Relationship Important?
What Can I do to Help?
Couples Therapy
What is Couples Therapy?
Who Benefits from Therapy?
Why go to Couples Therapy?
How Does Couples Therapy Work?
My Partner Won’t Go!
Frequent Questions
Who Needs Therapy?
Surely it’s just genetic?
What’s in a diagnosis?
Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist
What is depression?
What is anxiety?
Contact me
Contact me
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